Wellbeing & golf community


Mental, physical and environmental wellbeing should come first. Ensure you stay hydrated, feed yourself the right fuel, look after the nature you walk through and talk to someone if you need to.


Whether you’re picking up a club for the first time, a single digit handicapper or an out of the woods whacker, the love of golf should remain, as we strive to get a little better each time we swing a club and let it rip.


Community is at the heart of what we do. Even if you’re a lone wolf golfer, there’s joy in the community of sharing and learning online. If you’re playing with friends, focus on having a great time and checking in on your mates.

A love letter to golf

Golf was there for me in a pivotal time of my life. It changed my life, through the wellbeing, the community and the focus on just getting a little bit better. It’s a great metaphor for life. My golf game has a long way to go, I personally have a long way to go. Indulge me as I express my love for the game?

– Justin, founder of Highland

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highland wellbeing & golf co

badge & patchwork collection

No other game combines the wonder of nature with the discipline of sport in such carefully planned ways.

– Tom Watson

That Was So Much Easier Than Putting. I Should Just Try To Get The Ball In One Shot Every Time.


– Happy Gilmore


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